Shaw Family Diary

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Football Pep Rally

On Friday we all went uptown to a football pep rally. The city had the streets closed and there was all kinds of free events for kids. They had flex flying, blow up moon jumps, blow up obstacle courses, slides and so much more.

Austin and Nikki began the day with a gladiator fight. Then, Sariah, Nikki, and Austin went down a giant slide.

While Austin was jumping in the moon jump the girls tried the gladiator fight and a football pulling game. It was hilarious to watch! Nikki won the football game. Way to go Nikki!

Nikki and Sariah each got a free bouquet of flowers made out of balloons from a gentlemen walking down the street. Everyone asked us where we got them and how much they were for the rest of the day. It began to get annoying.

Mom, Austin, Sariah and Nikki got their faces painted while dad and Jennifer stood in line for a funnel cake. Yum!

The biggest hit of all was the blow up footall obstacle course. The kids went through it over and over again when Sariah asked mom to race through the course against her. Mom said sure, and they were off. They were neck and neck through the course until they got to the rock wall. Mom jumped at it and made it to the top, but she slipped and fell all the way to the bottom. Sariah ended up beating her by a long shot. Now it was dad's turn to race Nikki. Nikki took off like a flash, but dad quickly caught up until he reached the dreaded rock wall. Dad had a hard time getting his body up and over the wall and Nikki sneaked through and beat him. It was so much fun!

After the obstacle course the kids went rock climbing. Both Sariah and Nikki were quickly able to reach the top and push the buzzer. Austin tried to climb the wall, but he didn't make it to the top. No big deal. Maybe next time.

The kids wanted to do the flex flying too, but the line was way too long and moving way too slow. Regardless of that, we had a fabulous day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

December 30, 2006 6:34 AM  

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