Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Random Act Of Kindness, Raped

Be on the watch out for a dark, perhaps black, 4 door sedan with a dent in the front left side.

This crack whore, whom I didn't know at the time, asked me for money because she was empty and forgot her purse, blah, blah, blah. As I thought about it, it touched me again to help out. Against my own better judgement, I coughed up $5. At the time I thought I was being stingy, but any little bit would help. I know, another bad move.
Well, I packed the kids in the truck and drove back pass the gas station and didn't see her. Odd. Another liar. Nah…. But, I then saw her take a left on Sugar Creek Rd headed south across Harris Blvd. I wasn’t following at this time since it was a route home. But when I saw her continue on, I was hooked. She hung a right on Nevin Rd and stopped at a light. She pulled into the gas station. I watched her walk in. She came out headed for a phone booth. So I snapped a shot of her and told her she was a waste.

Now, am pissed I didn’t do anything at all and that I drove that far, wasting my gas, to check up on this whore. What a waste of time. Just when you think you are helping w/ a random act of kindness only to have it raped. I feel dirty. I have to go take a hot shower.


Blogger mckait said...

I don't understand your reaction.
Someone asked for your help. You helped. What she chooses to do with what you gave is on her.. what matters is intention, and your was good.

Intention, you see, is what it is all about.

sorry.. I was moved to post here.. I was just browsing random blogs...

March 08, 2007 7:43 AM  
Blogger The Shaw Family said...

Don’t be sorry to post. It is great to read others opinions.

My reaction stems from being scammed at the sake of my kindness for some selfish greed. It goes straight to the core of human emotions. We also tend to find the natural goodness in others. So yes, I did help, but it erodes that faith. This hardness the heart, especially coupled with the fact that I’m indirectly supporting a wrong doing – whatever it maybe.
In some respects, I’d rather give to a charity, which I’ve exhaustively researched. Then tell everyone who crosses my path with this 'supposed dilemma', "I gave at the office." As most folks, my money is hard earned and it is tough to part with. My month allotments to 'easy living'; utilities, water, sewer, etc, don’t cut me any slack. So most of the time I’m making the weak dollar stretch.

March 08, 2007 8:38 AM  

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