Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Making the rounds

Had a few neighborly duties to do yesterday.

Good deed 1
First, April stopped by to borrow the chainsaw. She had plans to cut down a tree, shrub, she couldn't stand any longer. Of course, I'd help since using a chainsaw was new to her. I remember hearing about the shrub issue in the past between April and Billy. He wanted the shrub. But since it was just one shrub and it was dying or dead, . . . Not sure it really matters what I thought. I was just helping. RRRrrrrraaaapppp of the chainsaw and it was done. April hauled it to the back woods and dug up the stump. She got it out all by herself!!! I think they, she, plans to plant new shrubs there.

Good deed 2
Since the first went so well, I thought I'd tackle a few issue my other neighbor had with a router and getting his computers to both talk on the internet and share files and printers. So I took a few moments to make a cameo and got it done. Not sure where he got this old 4 port router from, but it did the job. We linked up the XP, 98, and one Canon MF 3 something (I just like the MF part). Mike thinks he can do the other one. He has the ambition, which is 50% of the battle. We upgraded the 98 IE to 6. Mico$oft was no help. The new layout sucks on IE5. All done. I'll have to check in on him later today to see if it all still works or not.

Good deed 3
We, the Shaw family - cause we rock like that, took the other neighbor, Brian, with us to lunch. No, this is not the Brian that could hand with the big boys on Guys Night Out. That Brian is FNG Brian. Anyhow, we all headed to Midtown for a bite. Yes, I know - big surprise. But, as always when I frequent there, we had a fun family time! Speaking of that, I'm missing karaoke right now! However, as I look at my temperature gauge on my taskbar, I'm glad I'm in doors and not outside. It says 35. BBbbbrrr. Back to this short story . . .

Rude mental thought. Excuse me.
Osuna was suppose to meet me this weekend. I'll have to buzz him.
Rude mental thought over.

Ok, back to the story again. Kris and I split a burger and Austin had chicken fingers while Brian had a mushroom burger. Yuck! To each their own.

I've got to get back to bed. My wife is so hot! Seriously, I've got to go!!!


Blogger SoundHunter said...

Thanks for your comment on the annoying lady post in my blog. What a beautiful family you have, I enjoyed snooping through the photos in your archives. And that's awesome, that you still find you wife hot after so many kids and all, what a great thing to say (I hope my hubby says that!) I enjoyed my visit here.

Best Wishes!
~ Rachel

February 06, 2007 6:05 AM  

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