Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Family First!

Well, It’s 0645est and I’m 40,000 over the . . . I don’t know. I’m headed to Louisville, via NWA direct flight through Detroit, to visit with my mom. Her husband had to have emergency surgery on his neck. It was schedule for Monday at 1100est and that went longer then expected, but fine. Tuesday, when he woke, he was able to feel the sheets. I suppose he was only able to feel pressure in the past, after the accident, but now can make out the sensation. Good sigh, until a disc slip that was inserted during Monday’s surgery. He’s whole left side went numb. He was rushed back to surgery to straighten out the whole thing. They aren’t sure to what extend the damage is, if any at all.

So I’ve booked a flight and headed to help her through this. It’s my mom and she deserves this, especially after raising my brother and I!!! We are not picnic. If you ever think you kids, if you have any are difficult beyond any other child, think again. My brother and I have some stories. Ok, I digressed a bit. I’m scheduled to be in Louisville around 1030est. Let’s see how NWA does. The pilot just stated we are ahead of schedule and due to arrive early and the weather is sunny and colder than usually. What? What is colder then usual? It is to be 40 in CLT and 17 I think in KY. So how cold is this? Anyway, I brought my duster, so I should be fine. The ground time in Detroit is about 90min. I’ll see if I can ‘t get this posted and my laptop charged.

Pilot just stated it is 6 degrees outside in Detroit. NOW I have an idea.

0809est, we just landed and I’m off to the next gate. Ticked stated A21. I’m at A34. However, the monitor stated A171. WOW, that is far. They even have a tram inside, tattooed with NWA – go figure.

0820est, At the bar getting my morning fix. I’m across from the gate, so I shouldn’t miss the 0900est boarding. I hope!

To my family,

I love you sweetheart. I’m sorry I had to leave so early. I hope I wasn’t too loud at 4 this morning. I didn’t sleep very well. Hopefully, you didn’t know that. Kiss Austin and Jennifer for me. I kissed them when I left. They are so precious. How lucky are we?!? I’m so lucky! You are a wonderful wife to me. Did I mention you are so hot looking?!? Stay warm today and have a wonderful day. Have fun and go play. Maybe some Monkey Joes or a stint at the mall. Buy yourself something special, the kids too!


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