Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Austin's Pounds The Street

Austin took his first spill on his motor scooter today.

It was bound to happen. It is the bike motto, “There are those that have fallen and those who will.” He was shaken up a little bit, but is doing fine. He needed to rest he said. He did have his helmet on. Jenni helped with the triage; peroxide, neosporin, and some Toy Story band-aids. A few scratches here and there, which could have been avoid, I told him, if he had worn proper gear; socks, shoes, and pads. But, hey, what do I know. Back to my theory of supervised failures, frustration yields progress. No matter how much you explain what is right or proper, sometimes you just have to let folks fail to appreciate what you have to say. I found this more and more evident in people that were spoon feed answers and didn’t really use critical logical thinking. Without logical thinking, you’re not living. We should expect to fail in life. It is how we respond to that failure that makes the difference.

Look at me being selfish. Taking my sons accident for my opportunity soap box, and I dislike publicity opportunist. You know who you are.


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