Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Riverbank Zoo Scout Sleepover!

Oh boy, what a night! We spent the evening walking around, looking behind the scenes of some exhibits. We visited the elephants, aquarium, hyena's, lion's den, owl barn, and a few more - all at night! It was eerie walking through the jungle night life. Our instructors were really good too. They took their time to explain what each area was and answered all the questions the group had, no matter how silly. One kid asked, "if a hyena dies of syphilis, would the other hyena's eat him?". Ok, weird question. Lights out was at 11 pm. I'm not sure I slept that much. Everyone was great, getting ready, no horse playing, etc. But, I didn't catch a really good sleep. I know I was tired enough from all that walking, that's for sure. :) I had to use the restroom at like 4. Ugh! So, using my crackberry as a flash light, I made the careful walk out of the auditorium, across people strewn about as they slept. We were a little cramped for space to say the least. Oh, and the snorers were ALL there. I can't wait to hear what Jenni might say about that.

Oh yea, I need to get back to the bed. I tried to trek back to our bivouac, surgically, so I don't impel someone sleeping with my 250lbs foot. :) For the last 5 feet I had to strech my long legs over the 3 rows of chairs, as both paths to our camp was blocked by campers. Lights on was at 8. It was bright. We all got up for snacks. Well, us adults swarmed the only coffee pot. It was on and ready. Really the pick up we needed.

We were not sure if we were staying that long the next morning. The neighbor and us carpooled. They need to be back by 2 and my body was way good with that! :) Plus, we talked about breakfast at Cracker Barrel, family favorite! Therefore, we'd mostly like be out of there by 10. So I told my wife "Please don't make the trip down here, as it won't be long. Wake Sariah up and go play instead!!!" :) And they did!

We spent a few hours at the zoo and then headed out. I think it was like 11 before we left. We plotted a course for Cracker Barrel and off we went. Wow, what a full day!

After we made it through the jungle to the house. We headed to the park! Family first!

Scout sleepover at Riverside Zoo with Austin and Jenni!!!

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