Shaw Family Diary

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Thunder Storm Baby


We had some awesome thunderstorms Saturday and Sunday. It was so intense we got hail. I think we got more hail than snow this year! Thunderstorms are my favorite. But, I was not that smart about protecting my stuff. After the Saturday storm I lost a VoIP router and had to replace it Sunday. I was a bit bent about it, but it was my fault. I should have unplugged it. I guess it was the phone plug that took the hit. It was the first to go, but the router slowly just stopped with all traffic, but anything could have happened.

We had limbs down all over. It looked like we never cleaned the area. Mom and Austin went out and jumped all over it with a large garbage bag. By the time I got down there, after the VoIP issues, there were only a few more limbs to pick up. Nice job Mom and Austin. We drove around the neighborhood and saw one tree that just split in half about 3 feet up from the ground. That was odd. As we kept driving around we saw all these siding pieces up and down the road, but we couldn't find out where they came from. On another road, the next block, we saw a house missing their siding on the chimney. Wild. We did some community clean up and I got a few scraps from the large tree that had split. No biggy till Austin steps on my toes, where some cuts are.

Luckily, Vonage had called two weeks ago to offer a second line, free for two months. I agreed. I asked for a phone adapter, but they sent a new VoIP router. I wasn't sure what to do with it on Tuesday before the storm, so it sat on the counter. Well, it came in pretty handy Sunday morning when I was swapping out the VoIP routers. I guess I should be somewhat thankful that my other routers, PC's, printers, and devices didn't take a hit too. Now that I have the new Motorola router in place, I've noticed a better QoS between network traffic and VoIP. So far so good. I had my #'s forward around so that no communication was disrupted. It was all good. But I had to call Vonage to have the 1st line moved to the new router, 2nd line. It was painless once I told him I wasn't going to troubleshoot the first VoIP router.


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