Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Firewood anyone?!?

We ran across these folks cutting down a large tree today around lunch time. We stopped by to ask if we could have some wood and the owner said to help ourselves and tell others! Well, cool! They had a few more cuts to make and the big tree was coming down. There was a rope tied to the top and 4 guys holding it taunt at the other end while one chain sawed threw it at the base. The tree was positioned right near a house, so hence the rope and my eagerness to watch how it all unfolded. It went as planned and missed the house, but I was rooting (pardon the pun) for the tree.

Since the excitement had settled down, we went about our day and meet Mom’s twin sister at the local strip mall for some shopping. On the way back home, around dinner, we drove by the house with the tree cutting going on and now saw a large pile of wood and a sign that read, "Free Wood". I debated with my wife if I should stop by or not after dinner. I figured sometime after six this evening should be fine. My daughter piped up and said that it might be gone. Let me tell you folks, it was a large stack of cut wood. It might have been a little over 2 cords. I told her that it wouldn't be gone by the time we went back after dinner. Well, my laziness was winning over at first, but will power jumped in and took the helm. I decided to get my truck and head over. So mom and I unloaded the kids and stuff. Mom was taking Jennifer up to feed and the kids were coming with me.

As we turned the corner to the area were the cut trees were, there must have been 2 cars and 2 trucks there getting wood. Damn! If I had not let my daughter stir up my will power and squash the laziness, I would have eaten my words about it not being gone by dinner. Man was I wrong.

We scarfed up that wood as if we were a pack of hungry wolves in the dead of winter scrapping over road kill. We loaded up BigUgly, my 454 Suburban, and headed home with a few more scarps, bumps, and bruises. I took most of mine on the arms, Austin took one in the forehead (I almost pissed myself laughing), and Sariah had a few on her hands; she did most of the stacking.


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