Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Monday, July 10, 2006


It seems like every kids gets a wart or two, or more! We just took Austin in to take a look at one of his. It is on the inside of the right knee. Normally, we wouldn't care to really address it at all, but it is getting caught on things and has bled a few times from that. We have tried to talk to Austin about the procedure, but he doesn't want to do it and ends up on the crying side. Tough choice for most parents. The emotions of the child usually undo the corrective action needed.

Unfortunately, as I’m sure Austin would view it, Dad was in charge and it was going to be taken care of. As Austin and I went to the waiting room, he was pretty good about it. He even told the nurse about it. Although, he did reinstate the fact that he'd rather just leave it alone. Too funny. The doctor and I agree to freeze it off. Later, in a couple of days, we can follow up with good 'ole compound-w. I haven't heard that for a while. As the procedure started, Austin was fine. The wart turned white as explained and then the intense sting set in. That wasn't fun at all. We had one more application to go and Austin was done. He was out of there. But as a parent, I had to do the right thing and hold him in place so we could finish up. I was making sure the doctor didn’t drip any of that on my finger, or we’d both be crying! I know it sounds tough, perhaps cruel to some people, but it is the right thing to do. It is usually lost in translation, or just evolution of a slang phrase, but that is just 'tough love'. These are the hard times. You have to persevere and do what is better for your love one, even if they strongly disagree!


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