Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

What time is it?!?

What a day, and it started last night. Not sure what is going on. Let me ramble here and see if it spells out on the keyboard. Last night started out like every other night. Mom works Jennifer to sleep and Austin and I just keep to ourselves till mom emerges from the baby’s room. Austin and I usually catch AFV. Laughing is a great way to relax before or for bed. Then, if mom can, she’ll join us for story time. Last nights book was “Sleepy Boy”. All went well as we turned out the lights to get some sleep. But Jennifer robbed us of that great deep sleep, she was crying around 2230est. Mom was determined to let her cry it out, as she should. It is tough parenting 101, synonymous with class Tough Love 101. However, my stomach started to feel funny and I wasn’t able to lie there any longer. I’m not sure if it had anything to do with Jennifer crying, but I wasn’t going to lay there thinking about it before I tossed the cookies. Ok, gross. Sorry! So I had to get up and pace the room. It wasn't too much longer until my brain woke up and discovered that I was on idle. So all the work related items came into play. Thanks neurons! So off to work I got, downstairs in the buff. Well, after some coding I had to take a break. I was stuck on some formatting issue when passing a few parameters to another process. It is always great fun trying to figure that out. So I hit the web and did some leisure reading. I thought maybe I’d come back to the code that had stumped me and get a fresh idea. Well! It is now 0518est and I’ve got to get some sleep. And that sleep will be short lived! Whoa is me. Thank God I love myself!!!

Oh, grammar checker didn't like my use of 'ourselves' up there and suggested that I use 'us'. As I tried that aloud, you can see which one I picked. So did I was the wrong grammar?


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