Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Daddy Daycare - Day 1

Today started where last night finished. Mommy has a family emergency and is heading to NY. She leaves at 1602est. I've got both kids with me right here, right now1400est. This should be a blasted. I'm not sure how the kids will take to me 24x7. Austin was a bit clingy with mom and Jenny is just fine. As a matter of fact, she is in front of me trying to sit up. Too funny! She is crawling all around the floor. Ooops, I think I hear her playing with the end table. Yup! She did her famous backwards crawl over here. I sat her back to the starting position near the couch. Great, now she is headed for the coffee table.

Time for soccer!!!

- We are back

We did some outside time with the neighbors when we got home from soccer. Jenny thought she would validate the Flintstone era.

Let's see how good I am by night time!!! :>) I can’t be a replacement for mom, but we shall see how well I’ll do.

Guess who didn't pass the test on "Baby Nighttime Observation Techniques" taugh by the world famous mom, Kristine?!?

Yup, me! I just wasn’t doing anything right. My first clue was the little fussing at bath time. I suppose the water wasn’t right. She really put me to the test when I took her out. I must not have let her play long enough. I had started late and thought I could make up the difference in time. Yea right. What is it now, 2030est or something. I’m an hour behind. The reason we had to cut it short was her little pebbles she left in the bath. Austin was up and out fast too! While she is little fussy at me knowing I’m doing it all wrong, I got her dressed in her PJ’s, sleeper, and set for bed. Little did I know it wasn’t time. After 10 minutes of rocking, I took her in to see Austin and catch a little TV. That didn’t work too well, but I fixed a bottle and was on to something. She was content and finished the whole bottle. She was falling asleep right there. However, I knew I had to burp her. I got her to burp, but she was wide awake again. My chance of getting another bottle into her was very slim and I wasn’t going to try. Then I remember that I had forgotten to put baby lotion on her. All the hand gestures to the head and face made me think, "Maybe her skin is tight." She is a girl and it is part of mom’s ritual for her. So, off the PJ’s went. Oh yea. She is happy now, NOT. I put the lotion on, put the PJ’s back on minus the sleeper, and headed back to her room for another shot. From her tone, you’d think I was head back to the torture chamber for another round of heavy rocking. I twisted her, me, both of us to all kinds of positions to comfort her, ones I knew I had watch mom do a number of times. I watched them work. All I got was the hand over the head and over the eyes as if to say, "Oh dad, why bother. You aren’t getting it. Just lay me down and let me cry to sleep." At which, I caught myself talking to my inter-voice, "Sounds good. I can get three doors between us." But I sat there and continued to try. Then I quickly found that laying her on my chest with hers and bouncing her up and down did the trick. It took 10 minutes of that to make sure she was in a deep sleep.

Austin was and is a big help. He was able to get me both bath towels, dry himself, get dressed, brushed his teeth, and lay in bed watching the TV at low volume. He was great! He probably got his bearings when he walked in to Jennifer’s room asking me a question while I tried to get her to sleep and snapped, "NO." I don’t even know what he asked, didn’t really care to be honest. I needed to get her down, priority number one! To his credit, he is being very, very good.

Cell is ringing. BRB. It was Kirs. All is good, but it is very late for her. Not sure what is up over in NY. Hope all goes well for her tomorrow. We miss you and love you mommy!!!

Oh MAN! I’ve got to clean up the Jennifer pebbles from the bath tub. Nice! Got to go. 2127est.

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