Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Daddy Daycare - Day 2

Good Morning!!!

We love you mommy!

It’s 0645est.
- Not too bad last night. I did get up a few times just to replace the dreaded pacifier. I’m not a big fan of the pacifier, but it work magic last night. Mom has some pretty big shoes she wears around here. Austin is moving about upstairs now. Yes, it is him. He is asking for a shirt. He tells me he has folded up his PJ’s and made his bed. AWESOME!

Ok, we need to get some breakfast in us and get ready for school!

Ok, Austin is in school and I did our hall monitor duty. I was looking out for stray kids and stranger danger. I did great! I got a star. Jenny took a nap the whole time, slacker. They have a group picture of the kids at the farm posted on the wall.

We spent the morning driving around. Lowes Motor speedway is shaping up for the Bank Of America 500. I think I'll take Austin down there and we'll just make a day of it. There is so much to see and do. But first, I can't forget to pick him up from school and get lunch.

Mom called. Her and Karen are doing good. So good in fact, they are walking around the city. Just two great looking women traipsing around Baldwinsville, NY. She is staying at a very cool Inn, The
Red Mill Inn
. It looks fabulous. What fun!!!

Someone is pulling on my laptop, pulling the cord. Oh, yes! It is Jenny. Ms. Move-a-lot. BRB.

- We have Austin. He has a lot of art work from school. I'll have to post it later today. We are headed to the mall for a few to burn off some young, spirited energy.

- We are at the mall. Jennifer is sleeping and Austin is playing in the play area. They closed it for 10 minutes. Not sure why, but we are back and playing. Jenny is tossing in the stroller, so I'll have to go soon. Blog, blog, blog. A Ice cream MOM?

- Jenny is asleep, has been since 1900est. Not to bad, just a little fuss tonight. We did a little formula for nighttime and some rocking. Jenny tossed and turned for a few minutes before she settled into her spot. Kind of like an animal circling around and around to find that just right spot. Funny, but true. Austin was great again. He got a his pizza and milk for dinner and helped clear the table. He even took Jenny’s cloths to the laundry basket. Way cool! He really does step up. He and I are watching AFV. It is a family wind down event. Wait! I hear something. . . Oh, that is awesome. Austin just got up, not prompted, during a commercial and brushed his teeth. He is growing up so fast. LOL, I just heard him spit and the cup hit the sink as he set it down. LOL. He just came in and asked me if his teeth are sparkling. LMAF! I said YES! AWESOME!!! Oh, and I've got a load of laundry in the dryer. I hope to get it before the buzzer goes off. Love you Kris!!!

Jennifer's Diet
- 2 bowols of cereal
- 3oz of formula (from cereal)

- Finished off jar of pears
- Meat sticks
- 6oz of formula
- lost of water
- ~20 veggie puffs (at the mall)

- Veggie puffs
- Lucky Charms

- Lazgana and meat (not too good)
- Tried the meat sticks. Too gel like. Yuck!
- Cereal
- 4oz of formula

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