Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Daddy Daycare - Day 4

Last night was good. Jennifer sleep all through the night. She is doing very good for daddy. I think she understands. Austin is still doing great. We all got up around 0730est today. It was a little cool last night. They predicted the weather to be 39 or so. I rooted around the house and found an old floor heater we used for Austin. I set it up in Jennifer's room. I thought the house might be a bit cold for her and want to have her room a little warmer. It must have worked. She slept right through it.

We got up, dressed, and ate breakfast in hopes to reach our friends at the camp at the speedway. It was fun. They all were up and layered up in cloths. Here is their campsite; Brian, Jay, Mat.

Lunch was good. The day is sneaking up on me, passing us a little. We met our new neighbor down the road. Bob and Lou, Kevin, Darrell and his family, and Mike and Nathan were out. So Austin was playing with Nile. The time flew before I knew it was 1300est. WOW, time for lunch. The kids weren't complaining, but I wanted to stay in front of that in hopes to avoid it. Thoughts of what to do for lunch were racing through my mind; fix a frozen pizza (which I don't think we have), more cereal (not a good idea), peanut butter and jelly, or go out. The last thought got the most attention from my right side. So I entertained a Mid-Town Sundries thought when Cheddars just came blasting through like a train wreck. I mention it to Austin and he was game, even Jennifer offered a giggle. So we were set. Austin asked if Nathan could go. I asked Mike if they had eaten and they had not. So off we all were. It was good. My standard ordering was in place while Mike looked over the menu. We had a great time. Austin sat across from Nathan and traded crayons while coloring. Jennifer kept me entertained as I feed her. She is really a fun baby! We ran it a bit long, hour and a half. Jennifer was a little restless as I notice she rubbed her eyes, a sign a nap is coming on. So we headed home.

Well, Jennifer is still wide awake and playing hard with Austin. They crack me up with the little wrestling moves. Austin is really good with here. He loves to play with her, but at times, we have to remind him that she is still a baby and can't be handled too roughly. He is just playing, but still needs to keep himself in check. He is doing very good. We all have to adapt and he is surely doing very well!

Jenny took a nap while Austin played outside. She took about a 10 minute nap. She joined the rest of us parents watching the kids play. Austin was down the street, riding his bike while Aden, Dillon, Abbey, Caleb, and the parents all played in our yard. As it was getting late, we decided to have dinner together. We stayed close, Mid-Town Sundries. We didn't want to get caught up in race traffic.

Jennifer's Diet
- Large bowl of cereal
- 4oz formula (left over from cereal)
- ~25 veggie puffs

- ~30 veggie puffs
- Water
- Turkey, Rice, vegetable baby jay (3/4)

- Bowl of lucky Charms (baby size)
- Water

- ~35 veggie puffs
- Turkey, Rice, vegetable baby jay (rest of lunch jar)
- Mash potatoes
- Little prime rib
- Water

- 60z formula for nighttime


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