Shaw Family Diary

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Jennifer's Crawling forward

Oh YES! Jennifer is officially crawling, forward. We are so excited. She is doing the ‘cat walk’ now and it is so cool. Don’t forget, she can still scoot backwards, rollover, and turn around just like always. But now, we have forward! We are so excited and proud of her. Even Austin is getting in on the fun, crawling around with her and making sure she doesn’t get into anything. This is so awesome, another leap in her development. She does get around really good now. We have to keep an extra close eye on her. Mom is more on top of her than I. I choose to let them wander a bit more than mom would. That’s me. I won’t let her get really hurt. But I would let her bump in to things, where as mom wouldn’t. It is all good. Kris and I are great for each other. She really keeps me ground, and on a few occasion, I get to help her be flighty like me!

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Jenny even sits up in bed now. Early this morning she was sitting up waiting for a bottle. No worries. I jumped right in and got her a bottle and laid her back down. She drank the whole bottle laying down and went to sleep. What a big girl!

Jennifer can also drink out of a cup using a straw and pick food up in her fingers and feed herself. She is growing up so fast.

Well, today Austin has school. We are contemplating if we should give him a show and tell item today or not. See, Tuesday is his normal show and tell day, but school was out. I think we will let him bring something. The teacher splits the class into thirds, a group for each day of the week. I think she can squeeze a few extra kids in today. I’m sure Kris and I are among a few parents who would remember their kids show and tell was missed and try to make it up. Hopefully, I’m wrong – but I doubt it.


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