Shaw Family Diary

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Guys Night - Midtown with New Guy

Friday, the 19th

Neighbor Matt calls me up to hit Midtown for a little guy time. Sure, I'm in. I’m rarely not up to the task. Matt wants to bring a new friend to the shindig, another Brian. We’ll call him New Guy for this post. That makes us three neighbors; Matt, Brian, myself and New Guy. Us neighbors plan to met at big ugly ~1930est. We just like to have a little time with the family and put the kids to bed. Apparently, that is a little early for Brian who calls me to say he’ll be more ready by 2000est. Fine I say. Matt, unaware, calls me at 1930 ready to go. Dilemma alert. I can tell from his voice he is ready to be out, but our other neighbor is not. “I’ll be right down,” I say. I tuck my little boy into bed and kiss my wife, ever so passionately. She is so great. I met Matt at big ugly and he’s ready to be gone. We call Brian again just to see. He is on schedule for 2000est. Matt and I decide to just hang in the truck till then. Man was it cold. Brian shows up, on cue, and off we go.

At Midtown, we pick a table right up front with my favorite waitress, Stephanie. She is fun and I should right about her in another post. The New Guy isn’t there, which was a relief for Matt. He surely thought we’d be late. I’m not sure why he cares. Well, yes I do. He’s just a courteous guy. We were ready for Acoustic Friday. But we are a bit early, as folks are still eating at tables that are on the 2” raised stage. No biggy. From what I gather from the other guys, we have all night. New Guy shows up a few minutes after we have our first round. 1st impression . . .

Side note: I was wondering how New Guy and Matt hooked up. Matt is a nurse and that is all I usually hear him talk about. You know, other friends from work. Well, it turns out that Matt’s wife knows New Guys wife from work. Now it gets weird. We are taking out a guy Matt’s wife hooked us up with – basically.

Ok, back to impressions. New Guy had on a collared shirt and sweater on. Perhaps Matt forget to tell him we were meeting at a sports bar, whatever. Let me help you with the scene; Matt has on jeans and a workout sweater, Brian has on – I think PJ bottoms and his Bears jersey. I have on my loud Steelers PJ’s, hat, and sweater. So, New Guy stands out just a bit. So much so, the acoustic guy picks on him. Now that was fun. I have to admit, New Guy loosens up a good bit after a few rounds of Guinness, I think. As the night went on, we dinged the acoustic guy for not playing guitar. He had this rhythm beat already programmed in. It was odd. I’m not even sure if he sang or PLAYED a song. It was odd. But the drunker we got, the funnier it was. New Guy rattles off that he is an architect of buildings, commercial if I recall correctly. We are all having a great time. Then New Guy straps on some more balls and starts to order mix drinks and one of my Crown Royals. He proceeds to slam them both and point to my glass. Sure, I’ll take another swig.

I’ve seen this before. Folks, mostly beer drinks from any sex, seem to be ‘put off’ by the nature in which I drink my Crown. Or, perhaps it is the fact that it comes in smaller portions then their beer and they perceive I’m a slow drinker. These folks don’t quite share the quality of the drink as I do. A simple example of misunderstanding that will bite them later for a few days. While I like the crown for it’s quality and I respects its alcohol content, beer drink do not and believe in sheer quantity. And guess where New Guy is 20 minutes later? Head on the table. Matt has to call his wife and have her pick him. Classic. We closed down the bar and did a Taco Bell run. I’m not sure what that last part was all about, but we did. I think it was Matt. He loves to eat. But all in all, we had a good time. I spoke to Matt on Saturday; New Guy was still having meetings with the porcelain gods. I wonder if his watched helped any???


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