Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Toilet Runth Over

As foretold in my wife’s short summary within Jennifer’s birthday blog, our master bathroom became a pool for the vertically challenged. Therefore, it was deserving of its own post.

Since this happened on New Years Eve, I’m not sure if this incident was symbolic of the end of 2006 or a foreshadow of 2007. Nonetheless, we had a toilet that decide to runth over, clean water of coarse. The only silver lining here. See, the wife, 2 girls, and my son all went out for party supplies for my youngest daughter, Jennifer, of which I was watching. She and I played in Austin’s room as I installed a Christmas DVD burner. How cool of a wife is that?!? I mean, really! Anyhow, as I wrapped up the install, I heard the toilet still running. Of coarse, I instantly was like, “Oh no!”. However, I’ve been like that a few other, rare, times with that noise. But, nothing really ever comes of it. Well, it all ramped up to this event. As I rounded the corner to our bedroom, I could see the 2” pool of water on the bathroom floor. Nice! Can’t wait to dive into this mess. I put Jennifer down and ran downstairs to get my wet/dry vac. I couldn’t have imaged how this was going to turn out. I knew I had my daughters 1st birthday coming up and the main event was in the kitchen, under the flooded master bath. How much easier can this get??? I manage to get a good bit up before the wet/dry vac stopped because there was too much water. So I opened it and dumped it down the drain in our glamour bath. Enter surprise number 2. I had used the wet/dry vac to do some yard work and now there is mud, limbs, leaves, package material, and who knows what else floating in the bath tub my wife adores! Yippy! What a way to wrap up the year. I quickly run the rest downstairs and dump it on the scrubs. I make about 2 more trips on this. Now my pants are soaking wet and it feels like another 50lbs added on.

So, I have the master bath done, or do I? I check around and see the carpet in the master bedroom by the master bath is wet. I try to suck it up too and it works a little. As I walk back into my sons room, I step in a nice puddle of water. Great. It seeped into my sons’ room. Oh crap! That means the wife’s walk-in closet is soak. It only gets better! SO I run back into the mater bath to confirm my death. Yes, it is wet. I scurry to get all her stuff off of the floor and onto the counter. Well, there is no hiding it now. She’ll have to inquire as to why her stuff is now on the counter.

Oh, did I mention I get Jennifer to sleep. Well, ok. She cried to sleep when I put her down on my last trip of vacuuming up the water.

So, mom and the other kids come home and proceeded to have a great time getting party supplies all set up. Now, I feel like a party pooper. Because I can’t remember our insurance agent, I have to ask Kris. Sure, she’ll let that go with out questioning anything. I pull her upstairs and spill the beans like a squealing pig.

She took it rather well. I was really shocked. But, she is a great person and has cut me major slack. I’m sure she’d freak on anybody else. So I’m lucky there. Maybe it was the pure exhaustion on my face or maybe the fact that she could tell how bad it was. After digging though paper work, I get a number to call them. Ah, a recoding with no after hours number. Ok, I’m over that game. I’m just calling the first company I can think if, First Restoration. These folks tell me they’ll be out in a few hours and with the policy number and deductible, they’ll work with the insurance agent. Cool! Nice recovery so far. But I’ve got to back them up a few hours. We’ve got folks coming over at 1300est for a party. So they agreed to come at 1900est. All is good, and then Kris calls me down to the garage. It’s leaking. I grab a broom handle and poke a hole to let the water drain. The Kitchen is right next to the garage. I’m doing all I can to keep that room dry. From the hole in the ceiling, in the garage, I tie a 5lbs weight to a stick and put it up in the fresh new hole I just put in the ceiling. It does the trick. The water is now pouring out of that hole. I knew I had to get that water away from the kitchen ceiling.

Well, the party went of nicely and none of the guess suspected anything.

Part 2 coming later.


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