Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

More ill planning fallout

So I'm making mad calls and internet searches to get a birth certificate this great Monday morning so I can get my daughter in school! Why this birth certificate first? Well, I need that to get the ssn card, to get the shot records, in which , I can take all of these to school and get her enrolled. But, ONLY after the ex withdraws her from the FL school. How is that for crazy?!? Let me tell you. NICE rat race. So I get the computer generated cert ordered for $50, includes rush delivery. Why computer generated you say? Well, it takes 14 days to do the photo copy. Go figure. So it would be 1-2 days for a search and then delivery.

As fate would have it, I actually got it the next day. Yippy I say quietly to myself, as not to be jinxed. I rush to the SS card place only to stand in line with my daughter and 14 month old. Nice. Get the picture. Uhg! But my kids are great! I’m so happy to sit and start the SS card replacement. OOppps. I have no identification for her. WTF?!? She is my daughter. Here is the birth certificate. Of ion bold print on page 4 of the ss-5 form, 5th paragraph down it states a birth cert doesn’t qualify for ID, but shot records do. WTF part II ?!? How is that accurate??? And where are those records? In FL. Which I called and asked for, but of coarse are offsite and being fax, ‘rush’ to them. Ok, I say and get ready to leave. The lady at the office did tell me that she would make an appointment for me and I would have to stand in line again, if I’m back before 1600hrs. Of coarse, I grasp on to that, but I know I’m not going to be able to make it. I have to wait on others. Very frustrating. Now my daughter is missing days of school, not just one.


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