Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SRES Africa Parade

The 3rd grade had a Africa Parade. Austin's class represented Kenya. It was fun to see, but a little off beat as well. The kids did a great job, but the orginization was a little off. For example, there was about a 10 minute computer show that showed the recordings of the kids doing weather reports for Africa in Spanish. What?!? It made me wonder if the common language in Africa was Spanish. I knew from my school days that wasn't the case. Ok, so the teachers tried to sneak in some extra curriculam, I guess. Overall, it was good to see my son, but I wish it had been a bit more personal, student driven. The kids did do a song a first, as a group. That was fun to hear and see!

Austin's Flag

A vid


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