Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SRES Character Presentation

What a great start to the day! I took Jenni and Sariah to the character presentation that was being put on by Austin's 3rd grade class. It was a wax museum theme. This was a fabulous event. The kids all had different characters throughout history that they did a presentations on, with a display! Austin chose Walt Whitman. Hmmm. I picked Edgar Allen Poe when I was a kid. Maybe Austin will be the writer! The kids would stand still with their hand out waiting to be pushed like a button. Once pushed, they would recite a script they had on their character. Once they were done, the went back to the ready position. It was awesome. We must have pushed Austin's button 10 times! He was a great sport! All the kids did a great job. I was really impressed with this event. Good show Teach!!!

Enjoy the pic's!!!

Can you name them all?

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