Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Hot wife makes it home - Life is good!

The kids and I arrived at the airport early to pick-up mom. I had told her we'd head up there as the plan landed to pick her up curb side. With baggage claim and all, the kids and I would be there right on time. Well, I decided to show up early and meet her at baggage claim since it is about the last place left at the airport to meet folks, except being outside. As I reviewed the monitors for her flight and baggage claim zone, I noticed it was later then the arrival time, roughly 20 minutes. Jennifer is a great time keeper, too stagnate in one spot, and she'll let you know. So we took a few circles around the baggage claim area to pass the time. As only fate would have it, I run into a father whose son plays with mine on the soccer team. Normally, I'd see that as pure hap chance. However, this would make for the 4th time I've ran into him since soccer on Wednesday. Now that is uncanny.

Back to the story.

As we circled, we decided to take a gander at the ticket counter upstairs. BOY, was the backed up with travelers. It was not a good travel day out for Charlotte. Whew! I'm not good with that much waiting, which just gets transferred to the security checkpoint. Makes you wonder why folks don't do more electronic ticketing at home. Oh well. Since it was a mad house up there, we took the elevator down, did half a circle and then BINGO! I spot mom and her twin Karen walking toward us. I quickly gauged that they had not recognized us yet. Desperately looking around to hide, I can't find a suitable place and notice we are next to the women’s restroom!!! How NOT perfect for us. Where else are two girls going to go first after a 2+ hour flight. So quickly I say, "Hide behind Jennifer." who's in a stroller. Now, normally, that should just be a totally odd site, a baby stroller and no one around. But in an airport, with all the hustle and bustle, it was my only recourse. It worked longer then I thought. The two just glanced over us with only the restroom in site. But something caught Karen's eye about a minute later and headed over to us. Our Mom was not as easily convinced that her trip to the restroom should be averted for some random sighting her sister had found. Perhaps she was in more need to get relief, or, more sinisterly, it was a deep seeded sibling rival thing to beat the other. Who knows, but she was still headed for the restroom and glancing over too see what Karen was looking at. It must have taken 10 steps for her to clue in. It was great to see it all unfold. Mom was so excited to see us. It paid off, but almost too well. She looks so beautiful!!! The kids were jumping with joy!

We love you Mommy!


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