Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Toys R Us - Soccer - Doctor's appointment

This morning we went to Toys R Us to buy a present for our neighbor's birthday. Abby will be 4 years old on October 22. Her birthday party isn't until October 29, but we thought we better get a present since we never know what will happen between now and then. Austin got a nerf football. He was throwing it and catching it like a pro.

When we got home we played outside for a little while and then it was time for Austin to get ready to go to soccer. This time Austin got to wear a blue jersey during scrimmage. The other kids had a hard time keeping up with Austin. He made two goals. Way to go, Austin!

Daddy had to go to his last doctor's appointment for his shoulder while we were at soccer. They okayed him to go back to work. After his doctor's appointment, he had his last physical therapy appointment.


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