Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Preschool Teacher For An Hour

On Tuesday mom volunteered to watch Austin's preschool class while Ms. Shannon and Ms. Mary attended a mandatory meeting. Andrew's mother volunteered as well. So, it was just the two of us with 14 kids. We arrived in time to help the class with their lunch. All of the kids got their lunch boxes and we helped open juice boxes and snack bags. When the kids were done with their lunch, we helped them clean up and Andrew's mom ready a couple of stories. The girls sat and listened to the stories while the boys played with toys and puzzels. I helped maintain order while the boys played. At 1:00 we had to take care of dismissal, making sure that the kids were picked up by the appropriate parent. It was a lot of work and fun. Everything went very smooth.

Since it was a rainy day all day long, we watched movies when we got home. We watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Awsome movie!!

Around 4:00 mom received a phone call from Grandma Wolfe. Grandpa Wolfe had a doctor's appointment earlier in the day and they discovered that his heart is back out of rhythm. The doctor discussed adding a fourth wire to his pace maker, but grandpa doesn't want to do that just yet. They may try the cardioversion again (shocking his heart) to try and get his heart back in rhythm. Please keep him in your prayers.


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