Shaw Family Diary

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

HD saga over!

O K, the HD crisis is over, has been. Sorry for the delay in the update. As promised, the family and I were at Best Buy Monday to discuss our programming plans for the day. The manager was impressed and had no issue discussing our options to rectify my dilemma. Perhaps it was the total Pittsburgh Steelers outfit I had on, or maybe it was just the right thing to do for Best Buy. I tend to think it was the outfit. Nonetheless, They had offered to replace my set with a new one. It would be the difference I paid then on my set and the new one, plus a new warranty. At first I was reluctant to hear anything more than, "Mr Shaw, let's get you a TV at no charge." But when I sat and thought about it, it was a good deal. I really love the picture on the JVC DILA. It is bright and does a great job. They didn't have a 52" anymore, just the 56" 1080p, pretty impressive too. It was $2500, on sale for $2200. That would be a $200 difference for me to make up, plus a $400 warranty. SO $600 for a newer set OR I could just get my lamp replaced and move on. As I pondered a bit; if this is truly and issue with the lamp, lamp engine, or whatever, it would surely blow again well before my original 4 year warranty is up. Then at that time, what technology would be out? It is clear that the $2500 price is the target for these sets as they come out. It is what mine was when it came out, but then I bargained that down to the $1999.

I elected to get my lamp replaced and recalibrate the set. The tech that called was hard to understand. It was clear, English was a 4th language. No hard feelings as I can't speak any other language. The set is awesome, again. I think, even brighter! IÂ’m not sure. It could be the two days I had no HD. LOL. At any rate, I'll wait for the new technology to exercise my warranty.


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