Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Friday, March 30, 2007

YES! It's Friday!!! - I think

Ok. Enough with the week of stuff... Man, just checked the date to make sure it was Friday. Both kids are off to school and doing well.

Hat wearing inside?
Austin wore a hat today, even though I told him it wasn't right for school. But I let him her it for himself. For me it is an old customs and courtesy matter. But today, it appears hats are everywhere. No harm really. I wear one too, but outside. So his teachers are nice about it and have them take it off for pray and such. So I told him that hats aren't allowed at school and he agreed.

Sariah's doing well
It has been a little road to travel here, but Sariah is getting back in order with the real world. She is learning what it is like to have real commitment behind her and goals are more grounded. The easies one was the way she has kept her room clean. She is remembering each morning to get cleaned up, bed's made, and rooms before we eat breakfast, which we do eat everyday. That seems to be new for her too. She is getting on board now.

Mom and I are thankful it is Friday
It has been a long week and a lot to do. Meeting our neighbors right now is getting difficult to schedule. If I'm lucky, I might be able to squeeze in a few drinks with the neighbor here on the back deck over a fire. Yes, it got cold again. 49-58 is the weather now. Tonight is to be around 48. I could use a fire with my Crown and Coke!!!

Well, it is 1245est and I need to get my son form school! Cue the dilemma. . . Jenny is still sleeping from a nap. What to do, what to do? Ah! Call the neighbor. My wife will love this one. Let’s see if she makes a comment. Or, even reads this.

All is good. I’m back with Austin and Jenny is none the wiser. Yippy! So of to play outside we go.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Nikki flies home

Well, tonight we will be short one Shaw. My daughter, Nikki, will fly back to FL today. This is never easy for me, but it is what it is. Sometimes we all have to just let things be. It won’t be long before she will be an adult and make her own choices. I just hope I was able to give her what she needs to make the right choices. She is up now and sitting next to me. It is hard, sad to think she won’t be by my side tomorrow morning.

I love you Nikki

We love you Nikki!!!

Bye, bye.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday, the new Monday

Ok. I get the kids off to school just fine. Sariah got to the bus stop, in rush as usual, but on her way she went. She is a bad procrastinator.

We all took Austin to school and dropped him off just fine. Albeit, I was now in a rush because the carpet cleaners where due in at 0900 and there was some picking up to do. Luckily, they’re lack of punctual attitude afford me a few minutes extra to pick up after the kids.

Now there are here getting it done and Jennifer is a bit out of sorts with it all. Nikki can careless. I was able to get them to do the whole house. This has only dragged on since the New Year. I’m really. This should have been done by now.

Nikki flies in

Nikki flew in Friday and I think it was against her better judgment. Sariah had been very adamant about her coming up here, but no one had done the planning and flights were very expensive. On Friday morning I was able to find a flight, one-way, with AirTran for ~$170. It left at 1840est that day. I had Sariah call her mom right then and confirm. It was a go and I purchased them. Later that day around 1430est, Nikki called sobbing. She wasn’t ready to come up here. I handed the phone to Sariah and asked that they both work it out. Sariah got her to come. It is all good!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Day 2 of School

Well, I spent two hours at the school on Thursday getting my daughter enrolled. She is in! She took the bus home that day and had homework. Not bad. We sat and got it done. Friday was a little tougher. It was raining and we need to get her to the bus stop. We all went in the truck and sat there. It wasn’t too bad. We had just missed the as it went through the neighborhood. As she turned around, I just flashed my brakes and she stopped. Sariah jumped out and get in. Off she went for Day 2. How cool. She brought a little homework back too. She seemed to finish it pretty quickly. We’ll go over it later today.

We are planning on attending the St Patrick's Day Parade uptown later today.

Michael Hawkins - Avante Holding (ripoff)

This is an illegal bussiness person, scam artist, hyips, matrix programs, ponzi. Stay way from this freak!

Here is one very public one.

There is more, just check out a Google search. What a bunch of losers.

I know we gave them the smack down a few months ago. Now I'm waiting for the fallout.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

UPS Flight Operations

Had to share this glimpse into UPS's flight communications.

Happy flight to those that are flying today!

After every flight, UPS pilots fill out a form, called a "gripe sheet," which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics correct the problems, document their repairs on the form, and then pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by UPS ' pilots (marked with a P) and the solutions recorded (marked with an S) by maintenance engineers.

By the way, UPS is the only major airline that has never, ever, had an accident.

P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.
S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.

P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.
S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

P: Something loose in cockpit
S: Something tightened in cockpit

P: Dead bugs on windshield.
S: Live bugs on back-order.

P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent
S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground

P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
S: Evidence removed.

P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume set to more believable level.

P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
S: That's what friction locks are for.

P: IFF inoperative in OFF mode.
S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.

P: Suspected crack in windshield.
S: Suspect you're right.

P: Number 3 engine missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.

P: Aircraft handles funny.
S: Aircraft warned to: straighten up, fly right, and be serious.

P: Target radar hums.
S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.

P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed.

And the best one for last..................
P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
S: Took hammer away from midget.

Best Regards,

DR Shaw

Thursday, March 15, 2007

More ill planning fallout

So I'm making mad calls and internet searches to get a birth certificate this great Monday morning so I can get my daughter in school! Why this birth certificate first? Well, I need that to get the ssn card, to get the shot records, in which , I can take all of these to school and get her enrolled. But, ONLY after the ex withdraws her from the FL school. How is that for crazy?!? Let me tell you. NICE rat race. So I get the computer generated cert ordered for $50, includes rush delivery. Why computer generated you say? Well, it takes 14 days to do the photo copy. Go figure. So it would be 1-2 days for a search and then delivery.

As fate would have it, I actually got it the next day. Yippy I say quietly to myself, as not to be jinxed. I rush to the SS card place only to stand in line with my daughter and 14 month old. Nice. Get the picture. Uhg! But my kids are great! I’m so happy to sit and start the SS card replacement. OOppps. I have no identification for her. WTF?!? She is my daughter. Here is the birth certificate. Of ion bold print on page 4 of the ss-5 form, 5th paragraph down it states a birth cert doesn’t qualify for ID, but shot records do. WTF part II ?!? How is that accurate??? And where are those records? In FL. Which I called and asked for, but of coarse are offsite and being fax, ‘rush’ to them. Ok, I say and get ready to leave. The lady at the office did tell me that she would make an appointment for me and I would have to stand in line again, if I’m back before 1600hrs. Of coarse, I grasp on to that, but I know I’m not going to be able to make it. I have to wait on others. Very frustrating. Now my daughter is missing days of school, not just one.

Unexpected daughter

Well! I get a call from the ex. They are going to drop my daughter off Sunday after church. O.K. then. I tried to reason with the ex and asked to call me after church. Perhaps a cooling down period might help. Well, I wasn’t very specific and that is my fault. The ex called while driving up here, about 100 miles from home at this point. Nice. Again, I give the ex a chance to do the right thing and wait till after spring break or more like this summer before we do this. It is in the child’s best interest. The ex wanted nothing to hear of that.

Apparently, my daughter and the ex do NOT get a long at all. Not even close. I’m told my daughter is disrespectful to them, doesn’t do as she is told, and very disrupt to their family life. How nice is that. Of coarse the ex admits I have, and never had, such a problem with my daughter. I’ll have to fill in those blanks later.

Back to the chronological events. I tell the ex that I need the proper forms for my daughter to enroll in school; birth certificate, ss card, shot records, etc. Of coarse the ex has none of those on the trip up and still persists in driving 10 hours to drop her off here on a Sunday. To me, that means the ex has just lost all sanity. If my daughter is that bad, I can only assume that is why. I’m not going to say no to my daughter! This is my daughter and I love her. It wasn’t but just 2005 when she started school up here only to be dragged back to FL during winter break. This was AGAINST my wish and what was right for my daughter, even after the ex and I had an agreement to finish the school year. Well ok, full circle now. Am I still writing

Friday, March 09, 2007


I'm so excited. We have a good plan for this weekend. We have a puppet show, BBQ, Silent Auction and all kinds of goodies to choose from this weekend!

And, another work week about over too! Man. it has been very busy with all the DST (Day Light Savings) stuff going on. It is like Y2K all over again, but with a lot - let me stress A LOT less preparation!

Jenny - under the weather
Jenny's not doing so hot. I just got her up and she looked fine, even smiled and giggled a good bit while we got our morning routine going. But she felt very warm, hot almost. I took her temp under the arm and it was 99.9. The is 100.9 since it was under the arm. Mom is so good, even I was able to find the Tylenol. It stated 1.6mL for her size, but not for her age. So we did .8mL. Plus, I gave her a teething tablet - just for good measure since she is teething as well. Two new ones up top, each side.

She is just jugging her milk now. Man does this girl love her milk! I think she still puts away around 8oz of milk a day. And she wants some Oh's cereal. Man, on man. This girl can put it away when she wants to!

Troop 13 BBQ

Today and tomorrow Troop13 will host a BBQ, $8 a plate, and a silent auction. One of the items I'll be bidding on is the Agri-B Quail hunt! Now it is valued at $1200 for 2 adults and well worth it. But let's see if Daddy can get a bargin! Both events are held at the University City United Methodist Church.

I hope to post a good number of pictures here. Let's see how that turns out!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pic's I need to get on here!

There is so much going on here at the Shaw house I'm having a tough time keeping up. Hopefully, this pictures will suffice for a little while.
Jennifer sparking an idea for Dad

An experiment I got from Scott's Lawn Care email. It is suppose to bloom. We shall see.

Blaze playing "eye spy" with a squirrel

My buddy Jame's bake potato from Jason's Deli. It is insane.

Jennifer trying out the slide

Jenny goofing off in the truck - Part 1

Jenny goofing off in the truck - Part 2

Jenny goofing off in the truck - Part 3

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Random Act Of Kindness, Raped

Be on the watch out for a dark, perhaps black, 4 door sedan with a dent in the front left side.

This crack whore, whom I didn't know at the time, asked me for money because she was empty and forgot her purse, blah, blah, blah. As I thought about it, it touched me again to help out. Against my own better judgement, I coughed up $5. At the time I thought I was being stingy, but any little bit would help. I know, another bad move.
Well, I packed the kids in the truck and drove back pass the gas station and didn't see her. Odd. Another liar. Nah…. But, I then saw her take a left on Sugar Creek Rd headed south across Harris Blvd. I wasn’t following at this time since it was a route home. But when I saw her continue on, I was hooked. She hung a right on Nevin Rd and stopped at a light. She pulled into the gas station. I watched her walk in. She came out headed for a phone booth. So I snapped a shot of her and told her she was a waste.

Now, am pissed I didn’t do anything at all and that I drove that far, wasting my gas, to check up on this whore. What a waste of time. Just when you think you are helping w/ a random act of kindness only to have it raped. I feel dirty. I have to go take a hot shower.