Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

HOA meeting - disappoints

We had our HOA meeting last night. It was short and sweet, but we had a very low turn out. I'm not sure why it is such a low turn out. Perhaps we need to make some radical change that would unite folks to come. You know, strike a cord in which to spawn more presents and debate. The night went on and folks were nominated to the board. Then the complaints came in from the crowd of 10, a third children - two of which were mine :). Comlaints there were being addressed. I knew that, but I'm closer to the board members. The board spoke of all the greatness they felt they had achieved. Some of the items address was around lanterns not lit, yards in need of repair, and houses in need of repair. There was 8K in fees collected last year. I believe there is a lack of communication. The board needs to get these numbers and other types of management activities out to the masses. We will see. I think I was elected to run the web site. If so, perhaps I'll blog there as well! It's all about community, right?!?

Here is our website, ForestView. I like what they have now.


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