Shaw Family Diary

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Tri-Sports - Football

Today was the start of Austin's Tri-Sports clinic. Yes, it was 40 degrees outside, but this place is all indoors. This is the same place he did soccer. They will do 3 weeks of each sport; football, basketball, and baseball. He has been so excited for weeks. It looks like football will be the first sport. They had 4 and 5 year old kids out there, boys and girls. It was good to see a few more than normal number of girls participating. The spilt up in groups. Austin practiced catching and blocking the football on the run against another kid. They would line up in two rows. The first in each row would run down the field; one catching and the other blocking. Austin did good on offense getting open, but dropped the ball. No worries. This is why we practice and it is fun. Then he did defense. He wasn't able to keep up with the other boy, as he scrambled a good bit. The other boy caught the ball, but Austin striped it from him! Way cool!!! That was a first for the class!!!

The rest of the day we played outside. It was cold, but he was out and so where the other neighborhood kids. He was pretty wiped out today. He couldn't even make it through the Hulk movie!


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